RCS file: /cvs/ini/makefile.win32.pre,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.119 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.125 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.125 date: 2009/05/05 15:32:51; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 CHANGE: If exist .\bin\sesam\vss.dll then copy to .\bin_cli\... and .\bin_gui\... ---------------------------- revision 1.124 date: 2009/04/28 09:34:20; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +1 -3 change: gnu_regex.dll obsolete ---------------------------- revision 1.123 date: 2009/02/25 12:26:20; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +6 -5 change: Do not set MAIN_VERSION from makefile.ver. Set it on cli with MAIN_VERSION=... or current default is used MAIN_VERSION=3.6 ---------------------------- revision 1.122 date: 2009/02/04 15:20:30; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +9 -9 change: Do not add compiler mediate files (*.ilk, *.lib, *.exp, *.pdb) into archive - remove before archive creation ---------------------------- revision 1.121 date: 2009/01/02 13:52:16; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +9 -9 change: Use 'if exist ....' before calling erse of files ---------------------------- revision 1.120 date: 2009/01/02 13:33:39; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 change: In case of server remove intermediate files *.ilk, *.lib, *.exp, *.pdb in ..\bin\sms before creating sesam kit package ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/ini/sesam_rts.spec,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.12 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.13 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2009/04/09 12:00:33; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 bugfix: Exit pre script status '0', if sesam is not started ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/ini/sesam_srv.spec,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.53 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.56 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.56 date: 2009/04/23 11:50:51; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: JRE >= 1.6 required for Sesam 3.6 ---------------------------- revision 1.55 date: 2009/04/11 10:05:26; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: Recogninze errors during export of Sesam DB correctly ---------------------------- revision 1.54 date: 2009/04/08 13:27:46; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 CHANGE: Finish RPM postinstall script, if 'sm_setup' was not successfull ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/ini/debian/control.gui,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.5 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2009/03/02 17:32:04; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: accept 'openjdk-6-jre' for Sesam GUI ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/ini/debian/control.srv,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.5 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2009/03/02 17:31:06; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new: accept 'openjdk-6-jre' fro Sesam GUI ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/ini/debian/postinst.srv,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.6 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2009/03/03 13:43:33; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 NEW: adoptation for Ubuntu 8/10 64 Bit ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2009/03/03 08:54:25; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 change: PATH to postmaster executable depends on Postgresql version ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/scripts/sm_make_packages.sh,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.13 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.14 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2009/02/01 09:57:54; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change call chdir with './' because chdir '' somtimes fails on AIX ??? ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/ini_files/sm_db_update.ini,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.44 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.45 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.45 date: 2009/01/20 13:21:46; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 BUGFIX: During update the insert into table commands failed with postgres DB bcs. of missing 'distinct' in select of command_events (multiple commands have been selected > duplication of primary key) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/makefiles/makefile.common,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.120 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.123 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.123 date: 2009/02/17 08:24:55; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 new: use 'PCREGS' for regular expression matching. Requires installtion of PCREG under /usr/local ---------------------------- revision 1.122 date: 2009/02/01 10:00:09; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: add '-lm' for link on AIX (packdata) ---------------------------- revision 1.121 date: 2009/01/02 11:44:08; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 add target 'spg' for postgresql ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/makefiles/makefile.ver,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.199 V_3_4_1_68-windows: description: ---------------------------- revision 1.213 date: 2009/03/16 14:51:02; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 branches: 1.213.2; XBSA_VERSION=2.0R12 BUGFIX: Allow blancs in pathname for execution of sbc_com_interface - BSR Backup on W2008 x64 with Sesam path 'C:\Program Files\SEPsesam\bin\sesam' ---------------------------- revision 1.212 date: 2009/03/06 11:37:50; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 SBC_WIN32_VERSION=3.2A11 Relocation with one pair pattern, target was still buggy since 3.2A8 ---------------------------- revision 1.211 date: 2009/03/04 14:37:37; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 SBC_NETWARE_VERSION=1.8R36 NEW: Allow use of 'NetWare File System' even for 'Linux [Cluster] File System' TSA ---------------------------- revision 1.210 date: 2009/03/02 13:42:47; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +6 -3 SBC_WIN32_VERSION=3.2A10 Relocation was buggy since 3.2A8 ---------------------------- revision 1.209 date: 2009/03/02 12:50:08; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 SBC_NETWARE_VERSION=1.8R35 CHANGE: Last version 1.8R34 added extra trace line "NWSMTSScanNextDataSet returned ccode 0X00" for every call of NWSMTSScanNextDataSet() ---------------------------- revision 1.208 date: 2009/02/25 12:31:20; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -6 change: remove obsolete MAIN_VERSION_RC, WIN32_SRV/CLI/GUI_NAME ---------------------------- revision 1.207 date: 2009/02/18 17:22:19; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: SBC_WIN32_VERSION=3.2A9 Reimplementation for Exchange Server Backup since mergeing with Unicode sbc_uc.exe ---------------------------- revision 1.206 date: 2009/02/10 17:02:51; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: SBC_WIN32_VERSION=3.2A8 Volumes Shadow Copy Service (VSS) Support for XP, W2003 and W2008 ---------------------------- revision 1.205 date: 2009/02/04 14:18:39; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 SBC_NETWARE_VERSION=1.8R34 CHANGE: On NetWare 5.x first NWSMTSReadDataSet() could fail and sbc could break with XBSA Call failed with message: System detected error, operation aborted. Data sending failed. (32) Broken pipe ---------------------------- revision 1.204 date: 2009/02/02 16:11:24; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 BUGFIX: SCC_VERSION=1.6R14 On Windows Server 2008 x64 CTRLD access could break due to wrong size of types for SOCKET and HANDLE BUGFIX: SBC_COM_VERSION=2.1A2 BSR Windows Server 2008 x64 failed due to wrong prottype for SUBMIT_EXT() CHANGE: SBC_FIND_VERSION=1.4 with new GNU find_utils 4.4.0 (since a few weeks ago) ---------------------------- revision 1.203 date: 2009/01/23 16:51:12; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 SBC_NETWARE_VERSION=1.8R33 BUGFIX: If customer configured server name with lowercase then backup could fail bcs lowercase didn't match with uppercase servername ---------------------------- revision 1.202 date: 2009/01/22 14:04:31; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +1 -3 change: duplicate SBC_WIN32_VERSION=3.2A6 removed ---------------------------- revision 1.201 date: 2009/01/21 10:05:44; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 SBC_WIN32_VERSION=3.2A7 BUGFIX: In some cases restored SQLServer database kept staying in state 'loading' bcs. Virtual device expected one extra empty block. Now DB_CloseItem() is called to sent last dummy block (fetched from branch v3_4_branch) ---------------------------- revision 1.200 date: 2009/01/16 15:54:02; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: SBC_NETWARE_VERSION=1.8R32 Changes in revision 1.123 disallowed browsing. Now browsing is done with DOSNameSpace ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/05/12 13:02:44; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 SBC_WIN32_VERSION=3.2A15 BUGFIX: sbc.exe could not run on Windows Server 2000 - GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeName() not available on w2k BGUFIX: Avoid warning messages during Exchange backup ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/05/06 12:16:08; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 SBC_WIN32_VERSION=3.2A14: BUGFIX: If directory contains only reparse (junction) dirs or subdirs then reparse dir processing failed ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/04/30 07:42:05; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 SBC_WIN32_VERSION=3.2A13 VSS Backup without warnings (fetched from 1.216) ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/04/09 12:52:36; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 SBC_WIN32_VERSION=3.2A12 Support for option -o follow to follow reparse points like directories (fetched from makefile.ver rev. 1.215) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/makefiles/makefile.wcommon,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.62 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.65 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.65 date: 2009/04/27 13:00:07; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: define CFLAGS = ... -DPCRE_STATIC to use pcre library statically ---------------------------- revision 1.64 date: 2009/04/16 18:04:13; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: set variable for path to TinyXml parsetr module ---------------------------- revision 1.63 date: 2009/02/19 11:31:04; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +155 -147 change: VSS_SDK_LIB definition added (for x86 & amd64) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/cm_db_access.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.84 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.87 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.87 date: 2009/03/03 08:07:02; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +10 -8 bugfix: CLEANUP_QUOTA(): Do not cleanup quotas after 'where' ---------------------------- revision 1.86 date: 2009/02/27 11:44:10; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +12 -7 bugfix: CLEANUP_QUOTA(): do not check behind 'where' to allow sql statement like 'update media set readcheck_state='n' where readcheck_state in ('u','t','p') and pool='DISK' ---------------------------- revision 1.85 date: 2009/02/16 12:02:09; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: Change ' into is handled as UTF-8 character. (from compiler ??) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/cm_lang.h,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.108 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.121 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.121 date: 2009/03/27 12:38:32; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +11 -11 change: XX_READ_CHECK_... for asjusting without linefeed ---------------------------- revision 1.120 date: 2009/03/27 10:24:49; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +8 -1 new: XX_READ_CHECK_STARTED ---------------------------- revision 1.119 date: 2009/03/27 10:14:38; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +17 -10 CHANGE: XX_BREAK_DEL_ENTRY now with past tense: 'I014-BREAK Queuejob %s wurde gelöscht.', new: XX_MEDIA_INSERT_OK ---------------------------- revision 1.118 date: 2009/03/26 13:03:13; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +11 -11 change: XX_READ_CHECK_... without beginning linebreak ---------------------------- revision 1.117 date: 2009/03/26 10:48:20; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +13 -6 change: new XX_READ_CHECK_SUCCESSFUL and modified XX_READ_CHECK_SUMMARY ---------------------------- revision 1.116 date: 2009/03/25 17:09:48; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +15 -1 new: XX_NEWDAY_CANCEL_JOB, XX_STARTUP_CANCEL_JOB ---------------------------- revision 1.115 date: 2009/03/24 11:58:41; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +15 -1 new: XX_READ_CHECK_ADJUSTING_OK, XX_READ_CHECK_ADJUSTING_WITH_ERRORS ---------------------------- revision 1.114 date: 2009/03/24 09:07:53; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +8 -1 new: XX_READ_CHECK_SUMMARY ---------------------------- revision 1.113 date: 2009/03/18 14:32:21; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +22 -1 new: XX_CLOSE_TAPE_LABEL_CLOSED, XX_CLOSE_TAPE_SUMMARY and XX_CLOSE_TAPE_ERROR ---------------------------- revision 1.112 date: 2009/03/16 19:35:51; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +8 -8 add som COPY messages ---------------------------- revision 1.111 date: 2009/02/17 11:02:29; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 change E019-BASICS into E019-DATABAS ---------------------------- revision 1.110 date: 2009/02/17 10:53:37; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +8 -2 new: Message, if an invalid date was found in 'results.datum' ---------------------------- revision 1.109 date: 2009/01/27 15:52:01; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 CHANGE: #define XX_NEWDAY_DO_NOT_DELETE > IF_DE "E016-BASICS Tageswechsel Termin darf nicht gelöscht werden." CHANGE: #define W001_COPYSAVESET > IF_DE "I001-COPY Keine Sicherungen gefunden" ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/cm_socket.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.4 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2009/02/04 08:15:47; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 change: cm_CloseSocketsAndCleanup() use type SOCKET iSd to allow x64 socket handles ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2009/02/02 15:54:20; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: On Windows Serveer 2008 x64 CTRLD access could break due to wrong size of SOCKET ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/cm_socket.h,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.6 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2009/02/02 15:54:20; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +9 -3 BUGFIX: On Windows Serveer 2008 x64 CTRLD access could break due to wrong size of SOCKET ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/common.h,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.117 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.118 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.118 date: 2009/02/16 12:02:09; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 bugfix: Change ' into is handled as UTF-8 character. (from compiler ??) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/common/list.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.8 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.16 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2009/05/04 11:22:12; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +1 -11 change: move '\#idef' form list.c to list.h ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2009/05/04 10:37:53; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 new: 'define wcscasecmp wscasecmp' for 'SUNOS' ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2009/04/25 10:55:39; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 bugfix:spCurItem == NULL check added ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2009/04/25 10:54:21; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 bugfix:spList == NULL check added ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2009/03/02 08:20:02; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +1 -4 bugfix: (UNIX) #define __USE_GNU and #include moved to list.h to have wchar_t even for modules which only uses #include "list.h" ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2009/02/09 12:15:21; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: To compile on UNIX without warnings: #define __USE_GNU and #include ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2009/02/09 12:08:45; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +6 -2 CHANGE: #ifdef _WIN32 >> #define wcscasecmp _wcsicmp CHANGE: IsWStringInFIFOList(...) use wcscasecmp() to do a proper match if called with bWithCase == FALSE ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2009/02/09 11:33:37; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +31 -1 new: Add IsWStringInFIFOList functions - the unicode version of IsStringInFIFOList ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/common/list.h,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.9 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.14 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2009/05/04 11:22:12; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +12 -1 change: move '\#idef' form list.c to list.h ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2009/04/28 06:57:18; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 change:fix compiler warning '__USE_GNU already defined' ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2009/04/16 16:46:24; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: i changed to __i (to ommit possible redefinition) ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2009/03/02 08:20:02; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 bugfix: (UNIX) #define __USE_GNU and #include moved to list.h to have wchar_t even for modules which only uses #include "list.h" ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2009/02/09 12:09:59; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: prototype for BOOL IsWStringInFIFOList(LIST_HANDLE spList, const wchar_t* psztValue, BOOL bWithCase); ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/common/strlib.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.1 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2009/03/02 10:55:28; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 change: replacing StrStrReplace() and StrChrReplace() by strstrsubstitute() and strchrsubstitute() ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2009/03/02 09:20:23; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +63 -5 change: StrStrReplace() & StrChrReplace() moved to su/src/common/commot/strlib.c ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/common/strlib.h,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.1 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2009/03/02 10:55:28; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 change: replacing StrStrReplace() and StrChrReplace() by strstrsubstitute() and strchrsubstitute() ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2009/03/02 09:20:23; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +8 -5 change: StrStrReplace() & StrChrReplace() moved to su/src/common/commot/strlib.c ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/common/syserrtxt.h,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.3 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2009/01/22 13:20:59; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: #define SE_NUM_ERROR_MESSAGE_LEN_MAX 1024 and #define SE_NUM_ADDITIONAL_MESSAGE_LEN_MAX 512 ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/common/xutil.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.14 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.18 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2009/03/06 15:50:46; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +1 -3 change: trace line in x_Match[w]Keyword removed ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2009/03/06 10:22:11; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: (UNIX) #include to get correct function prototypes for wcslen() and wcschr() ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2009/03/06 10:16:29; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +141 -2 NEW: BOOL x_IsEmptywString(wchar_t *cptString) and BOOL x_MatchwKeyword (wchar_t *cpwString, wchar_t *cpwKeyword, int iAbbreviationLen, wchar_t *cpwEndChars, BOOL bCaseSensitive) to allow use of wchar_t (unicode) ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2009/01/21 16:19:05; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -5 change: include common.h to get necessary prototypes. trace with 'wcstombsl: convert wide chars [%ls]' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/common/xutil.h,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.9 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.16 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2009/05/06 09:04:17; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: STRU_OS_INFO extended with char szArchitecture[9]; ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2009/04/30 14:32:09; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: x_GetOSInfo() now recognizes Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 and Microsoft Windows 7 ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2009/04/16 16:45:22; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: x_IsFileHardlink(const wchar_t* sztFileName) interface changed ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2009/04/08 09:09:50; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 bugfix: hardlinks processing ifdeffed as WIN32 code ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2009/04/07 17:29:15; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: DWORD resolved (wouldn't build under Linux) ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2009/04/02 11:35:45; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +18 -1 new: "xutil" extended with hardlinks-specific functions and error-descripting enum ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2009/03/06 10:16:29; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 NEW: BOOL x_IsEmptywString(wchar_t *cptString) and BOOL x_MatchwKeyword (wchar_t *cpwString, wchar_t *cpwKeyword, int iAbbreviationLen, wchar_t *cpwEndChars, BOOL bCaseSensitive) to allow use of wchar_t (unicode) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/common/win32_hal/xutil_base.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.11 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.18 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2009/05/06 09:05:53; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +114 -96 new: Fill STRU_OS_INFO.szArchitecture with processor architecture (x86, x64 or ia64) and add it to STRU_OS_INFO.szOSInfoText '... (%s)' ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2009/04/30 14:32:09; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +14 -7 change: x_GetOSInfo() now recognizes Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 and Microsoft Windows 7 ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2009/04/16 16:44:34; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +10 -37 change: x_IsFileHardlink(const wchar_t* sztFileName) interface changed, redundant traces removed after debug finished ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2009/04/07 17:28:35; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: DWORD resolved (wouldn't build under Linux) ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2009/04/02 11:36:46; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +124 -1 new: "xutil" extended with hardlinks-specific functions and error-descripting enum ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2009/03/11 12:29:35; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +42 -12 BUGFIX: BSR Backup could fail due to SEPsesam instalaltion in directory with blancs (e.g. C:\Program Files) especially on W2008 x64. ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2009/01/15 07:50:17; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +19 -20 change: x_Semaphore() message handling pS->szMsg revised ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/sm_common/makefile.win32,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.7 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2009/04/27 12:52:31; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: Use regex header from .../su/src/common/pcre instead of gnu_regex ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2008/12/23 16:52:37; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: Use $(PLATFORM) in /I $(SESAM_DIR)\src\common\wnt\$(PLATFORM) to allow compilation for Windows x64 ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/sm_common/sbc_change_path.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.7 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.12 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2009/04/29 15:10:56; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: Avoid massive logging: SBC_LOG( 4000, "pszTmp [%s]" ... ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2009/04/27 10:18:09; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: sbc_change_opath() max(...) not available on UNIX ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2009/04/23 15:52:49; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +83 -103 BUGFIX: Windows x64 core dumped by using GNU regexp library. Now we use PCRE library so we had to switch back to POSIX functions: regcomp() and regexec() ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2009/02/28 13:55:13; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +22 -8 change: Incorrect "cpTargetPath" check added. Otherwise application crashed. ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2009/02/02 08:19:06; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 change: Use 'regcomp' on AIX ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/sm_common/sbc_msg.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.35 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.42 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.42 date: 2009/04/07 12:26:18; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: 3214 'Follow Reparse Point [%s] -> [%s]' ---------------------------- revision 1.41 date: 2009/04/03 09:19:22; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 new: when 'ALL' backup target is set - 'nosbc' at the root of each volme is ignored. Appropriate message added. ---------------------------- revision 1.40 date: 2009/02/03 17:39:59; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: 2121 arning added. It warns the user about "-o plain" directory parameter missed/incorrect/not found. ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2009/01/26 10:17:37; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: defs for sbc_vss error messaging ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2009/01/19 15:53:45; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +19 -1 new: error messages for vss added, info messages for vss snapshot info added ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2009/01/13 14:57:35; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 change: sbc-vss tags reviewed ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2009/01/13 12:31:39; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: Set 1xxx instead 2xxx trace number for VSS writers errors ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/sm_common/sbc_parse_item.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.18 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.23 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2009/03/02 12:47:00; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +8 -5 change: ":/" and ":\" now can be protected against treating like delimiter ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2009/03/02 10:56:13; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: replacing StrStrReplace() and StrChrReplace() by strstrsubstitute() and strchrsubstitute() ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2009/03/02 10:11:32; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change:strlib.h included ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2009/02/28 13:53:28; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +20 -1 change: sbc_parse_item_str_delim_save_drv_name() added. It is used for old style delimiter processing ( for restore relocation ). Now both ( ':' and '==::==' ) can be used and ':/' is recognized as a volume name delimiter. ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2008/12/19 11:57:15; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +1004 -1013 change:UNIX code #ifdeffed. Appropriate sbc_hdr.h included and depends on #ifdef ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/sm_common/packdata/build.ver,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.345 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.390 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.390 date: 2009/04/09 12:43:18; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.389 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata makefile.c ---------------------------- revision 1.389 date: 2009/04/09 12:41:44; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.388 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata getattr.c ---------------------------- revision 1.388 date: 2009/04/09 11:29:42; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.387 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata makedirb.c mtf_func.h packdata.c ---------------------------- revision 1.387 date: 2009/04/09 11:26:22; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.386 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata mtf_def.h ---------------------------- revision 1.386 date: 2009/04/07 09:53:59; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.385 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata makedirb.c mtf_func.h packdata.c ---------------------------- revision 1.385 date: 2009/04/02 11:52:59; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.384 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata readdblk.c ---------------------------- revision 1.384 date: 2009/04/02 11:52:18; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.383 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata packdata.c ---------------------------- revision 1.383 date: 2009/04/02 11:51:30; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.382 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata mtf_stru.h ---------------------------- revision 1.382 date: 2009/04/02 11:50:28; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.381 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata mtf_def.h ---------------------------- revision 1.381 date: 2009/04/02 11:49:21; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.380 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata mtf.h ---------------------------- revision 1.380 date: 2009/04/02 11:48:20; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.379 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata makefile.c ---------------------------- revision 1.379 date: 2009/04/02 11:41:20; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.378 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata getattr.c ---------------------------- revision 1.378 date: 2009/03/09 17:36:57; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.377 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata readstrm.c ---------------------------- revision 1.377 date: 2009/03/09 12:55:46; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.376 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata packdata.c ---------------------------- revision 1.376 date: 2009/03/06 11:02:57; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.375 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata readstrm.c ---------------------------- revision 1.375 date: 2009/02/19 18:08:14; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.374 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata packdata.c ---------------------------- revision 1.374 date: 2009/02/19 10:51:58; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.373 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata packdata.c ---------------------------- revision 1.373 date: 2009/02/18 17:20:48; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.372 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata ex2k_fn.c ---------------------------- revision 1.372 date: 2009/02/18 17:19:55; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.371 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata readdblk.c ---------------------------- revision 1.371 date: 2009/02/18 15:24:46; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.370 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata packdata.c ---------------------------- revision 1.370 date: 2009/02/18 15:18:01; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.369 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata ex2k_fn.c ---------------------------- revision 1.369 date: 2009/02/18 14:50:10; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.368 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata getattr.c ---------------------------- revision 1.368 date: 2009/02/12 08:03:03; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.367 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata makedirb.c ---------------------------- revision 1.367 date: 2009/02/10 16:06:43; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.366 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata makestrm.c ---------------------------- revision 1.366 date: 2009/02/09 12:24:35; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.365 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata mtfutil.c ---------------------------- revision 1.365 date: 2009/02/09 12:24:28; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.364 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata getattr.c ---------------------------- revision 1.364 date: 2009/02/09 11:40:48; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.363 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata packdata.h ---------------------------- revision 1.363 date: 2009/02/09 11:39:56; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.362 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata mtf_stru.h ---------------------------- revision 1.362 date: 2009/02/09 11:39:18; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.361 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata util.c ---------------------------- revision 1.361 date: 2009/02/09 11:38:35; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.360 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata packdata.c ---------------------------- revision 1.360 date: 2009/02/09 11:38:01; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.359 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata makestrm.c ---------------------------- revision 1.359 date: 2009/02/09 11:37:41; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.358 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata makefile.c ---------------------------- revision 1.358 date: 2009/02/09 11:37:17; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.357 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata makedirb.c ---------------------------- revision 1.357 date: 2009/02/09 10:36:40; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.356 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata makestrm.c ---------------------------- revision 1.356 date: 2009/02/09 10:33:32; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.355 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata mtf_stru.h ---------------------------- revision 1.355 date: 2009/02/09 10:30:54; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.354 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata packdata.c ---------------------------- revision 1.354 date: 2009/02/09 10:23:59; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.353 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata makedirb.c ---------------------------- revision 1.353 date: 2009/02/09 10:22:52; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.352 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata makefile.c ---------------------------- revision 1.352 date: 2009/02/09 10:22:10; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.351 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata makestrm.c ---------------------------- revision 1.351 date: 2009/02/09 10:20:44; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.350 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata mtf_stru.h ---------------------------- revision 1.350 date: 2009/02/09 10:19:58; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.349 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata packdata.c ---------------------------- revision 1.349 date: 2009/02/09 10:16:34; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.348 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata packdata.h ---------------------------- revision 1.348 date: 2009/02/09 10:15:18; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.347 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata util.c ---------------------------- revision 1.347 date: 2008/12/19 17:15:20; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.346 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata util.c ---------------------------- revision 1.346 date: 2008/12/19 17:08:02; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.345 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata packdata.c ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/sm_common/packdata/ex2k_fn.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.6 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2009/02/18 17:20:48; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: wcstombs( szFullPath, sztFullPath, sizeof(szFullPath) ); // with correct size ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2009/02/18 15:18:01; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +8 -5 BUGFIX: Changes due to merge with unicode_branch lead to use widechar file name instead of char file name which could not be handled by ex2k.dll ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/sm_common/packdata/getattr.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.8 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.14 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2009/05/04 10:41:14; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +1 -4 change: Check for device now done in Make_MTF_DIRB_BLK() ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2009/04/15 10:03:35; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +3 -15 change: hardlink error checking simplified ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2009/04/09 12:41:44; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 branches: 1.12.2; change: DO not check for hardlinks if item is a directory ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2009/04/02 11:41:19; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +24 -53 new: added functionality that checks if file is a hardlink. Sets custom file attribute. This attribute means that FILE DBLK represents a hardlink. Usage and meaning of this attribute described in "hardlinks backup/restore concept" document. ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2009/02/18 14:50:10; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -5 BUGFIX: Exchange backup always ended with Warnings bcs. GetStandardAttr4MTF() for not yet created HDR file was always signalling PDS_W_STD_ATTRIB. No caller Make_MTF_FILE_BLK() can decide again if warning will be shown ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2009/02/09 12:24:28; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +7 -26 change: Avoid calling vss conversion function such as IsItemHasVssPath ... ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/04/29 16:24:44; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +1 -4 bugfix: Check if path is a volume bcs. last change did not care about volumes ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/common/sm_common/packdata/makedirb.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.5 V_3_4_1_68-windows: description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2009/04/09 11:29:42; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +13 -9 branches: 1.9.2; CHANGE: To support option -o follow to process Reparse Points like directory in Make_MTF_DIRB_BLK() the return value of SignalCallingtModule(PDS_I_PROCESS_DIR, sztDirName) is checked and if it is I_ACT_IGNORE_REPARSE_POINT then Reparse Points are treated like directories ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2009/04/07 09:53:58; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +11 -3 CHANGE: If called with 'FILE_NAME=IGNORE_REPARSE_POINT' then ignore Reparse Point processing in Make_MTF_DIRB_BLK(...) ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2009/02/12 08:03:03; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: With last change file attributes and ACL were fetched from file instead of directory. Now refetchde older revision 1.5 ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2009/02/09 11:37:17; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: Use sMTFGlobal.sztItemPath as item full path ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/05/07 12:00:10; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: Fetch Reparse Point information form item not from original directory path to avoid problems with VSS shadow ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/04/30 07:37:32; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: Do not call Make_NACL_STREAM() in case of Device name, e.g. C:, bcs. may be return warnings in case of VSS backup ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/04/29 16:24:44; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +26 -24 bugfix: Check if path is a volume bcs. last change did not care about volumes ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/04/29 09:53:28; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -6 BUGFIX: #7759 'VSS Backup with Warnings' solved by reading from VSS Device even in case of directories ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/common/sm_common/packdata/makefile.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.8 V_3_4_1_68-windows: description: ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2009/04/09 12:43:18; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +40 -52 branches: 1.13.2; change: First call GetStandardAttr4MTF() and if (sMTF_FILE_BLK.attr & MTF_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HARDLINK) then process hardlink attributes (avoid second run of x_IsFileHardlink() ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2009/04/08 11:59:12; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: ifdef for WIN32 sepecific parts ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2009/04/07 17:37:22; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: hardlinks processing ifdeffed as WIN32 code ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2009/04/02 11:48:20; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +56 -58 new: if file is recognized as hardlink "OS Specific Data" with file index in it is added. All appropriate shifts made (Next Ivent Offset and File Name offset). ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2009/02/09 11:37:41; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: Use sMTFGlobal.sztItemPath as item full path ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/05/12 09:24:54; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 bugfix: Make_MTF_FILE_BLK: In case of Ex2K ignore error from GetStandardAttr4MTF() bcs. file may not be yet created ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/05/07 12:01:47; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +6 -4 bugfix: Avoid Warning message during system_state processing for Active Directory on Windows 2003 which may occur in GEtStandardAttr4MTF() for some files which are not yet created. ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/common/sm_common/packdata/makestrm.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.10 V_3_4_1_68-windows: description: ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2009/02/10 16:06:43; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +16 -5 branches: 1.12.2; BUGFIX: Make_STAN_STREAM() biFileSize fetched from FindFirstFile() may be outdated, so use GetFileSizeEx( hFileHandle ) after CreateFile(...) to get current file size. This will avoid warning messages: sbc-2043: Warning: Item [...] enlarged during processing. Cutting. sbc-2032: Warning: Operation successful with warnings. ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2009/02/09 11:38:01; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +4 -24 change: Use sMTFGlobal.sztItemPath as item full path ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/04/30 07:37:32; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +1 -4 CHANGE: Do not call Make_NACL_STREAM() in case of Device name, e.g. C:, bcs. may be return warnings in case of VSS backup ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/common/sm_common/packdata/mtf.h,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.8 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2009/04/02 11:49:21; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +4 -5 new: MTF_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HARDLINK definition added ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/sm_common/packdata/mtf_def.h,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.9 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.11 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2009/04/09 11:26:21; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 new: #define I_ACT_IGNORE_REPARSE_POINT 4 ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2009/04/02 11:50:28; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 new: few hardlink-related error code definitions added ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/sm_common/packdata/mtf_func.h,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.8 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.10 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2009/04/09 11:29:42; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: To support option -o follow to process Reparse Points like directory in Make_MTF_DIRB_BLK() the return value of SignalCallingtModule(PDS_I_PROCESS_DIR, sztDirName) is checked and if it is I_ACT_IGNORE_REPARSE_POINT then Reparse Points are treated like directories ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2009/04/07 09:53:58; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: If called with 'FILE_NAME=IGNORE_REPARSE_POINT' then ignore Reparse Point processing in Make_MTF_DIRB_BLK(...) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/sm_common/packdata/mtf_stru.h,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.13 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.15 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2009/04/02 11:51:30; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +1 -8 change: OS/2-related coded removed ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2009/02/09 11:39:56; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -8 new: Add new member to _MTF_GLOBAL structure - sztItemName ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/sm_common/packdata/mtfutil.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.8 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2009/02/09 12:24:35; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +8 -40 change: Avoid calling vss conversion function such as IsItemHasVssPath ... ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/sm_common/packdata/packdata.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.17 V_3_4_1_68-windows: description: ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2009/04/09 11:29:42; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -8 branches: 1.26.2; CHANGE: To support option -o follow to process Reparse Points like directory in Make_MTF_DIRB_BLK() the return value of SignalCallingtModule(PDS_I_PROCESS_DIR, sztDirName) is checked and if it is I_ACT_IGNORE_REPARSE_POINT then Reparse Points are treated like directories ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2009/04/07 09:53:58; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +11 -5 CHANGE: If called with 'FILE_NAME=IGNORE_REPARSE_POINT' then ignore Reparse Point processing in Make_MTF_DIRB_BLK(...) ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2009/04/02 11:52:18; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -13 change: OS/2-related coded removed ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2009/03/09 12:55:46; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +25 -30 BUGFIX: system_state backup failed due to wrong setting of sztItemName ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2009/02/19 18:08:13; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Use [%ls] instead [%s] in trace funtion (the unicode version) . ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2009/02/19 10:51:58; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +1 -14 change: Get out vss_item_type - there isnt sense to you that function ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2009/02/18 15:24:46; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +13 -9 bugfix: Due to unicode changes file name for exchange must be set with prefix '\\?\' ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2009/02/09 11:38:35; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +33 -82 new: Add new member to _MTF_GLOBAL structure and correct processing him at PackArchiveBlock ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2008/12/19 17:08:02; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: trace message in PackArchiveBlock function ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/05/12 12:57:31; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +10 -3 BUGFIX: Avoid warnings in Exchange Server Backup Examples: sbc-2036: Warning: Retrieving of standard attributes for item [C:\Exchange]: (2) [Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. ] failed. sbc-2046: Warning: Cannot get item security data for [sbcex2k:sepsbsserver]. ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/05/12 12:26:23; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +11 -6 bugfix: system_state backup could return warnings when processing SYSVOL bcs. directories were handled twice as directory and as files (with warnings) ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/05/04 15:47:14; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +8 -2 bugfix: Avoid warning while processing w2kss directories ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/04/29 09:53:28; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +19 -3 BUGFIX: #7759 'VSS Backup with Warnings' solved by reading from VSS Device even in case of directories ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/common/sm_common/packdata/packdata.h,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.4 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2009/02/09 11:40:47; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +3 -6 change: Remove - #define STR_VSS_PATH_COUNT and add define STR_ITEM_NAME ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/sm_common/packdata/readdblk.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.17 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.19 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2009/04/02 11:52:59; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +1 -7 change: OS/2-related coded removed ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2009/02/18 17:19:55; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +9 -7 BUGFIX: Due to changes with unicode Ex2KR_OpenFile() was called with path in unicode but must be called with ASCII ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/sm_common/packdata/readstrm.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.27 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.29 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2009/03/09 17:36:57; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +17 -4 bugfix: Restore of Reparse Points could fail bcs. during NACL processing file was already created ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2009/03/06 11:02:57; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +20 -2 change: Read_NACL_STREAM() If file creation failed with ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND then create directory path and retry ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/sm_common/packdata/util.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.17 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.19 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2009/02/09 11:39:18; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +1 -235 change: Remove the vss conversion functions (GetItemLocalByVssPath and etc.) ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2008/12/19 17:15:20; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +50 -43 change: upgrate functions - GetItemVssByLocalPath - check volumes as uppercase; GetItemVssByLocalPath - get back FindFirstFile function. ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/sm_common/packdata/verify.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.4 V_3_4_1_68-windows: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/04/29 16:24:44; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +17 -14 bugfix: Check if path is a volume bcs. last change did not care about volumes ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/common/sm_common/packdata/callback/sbc_stru.h,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.3 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2009/04/09 12:25:39; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: struct SBC_Argument extended with LIST_HANDLE listIgnoreReparsePoints; ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2009/02/24 10:53:16; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 VSS-speciffic declaration ifdeffed out from Linux build. ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2009/01/21 16:30:36; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 new: Add new members to the global structure - "retry" and "delay" for VSS ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/unix/cm_hal_file_util.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.16 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.17 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2009/01/07 22:03:39; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +8 -2 NEW: Browsing of backup source for PostgreSQL ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/wnt/cm_hal_file_util.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.23 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.27 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2009/05/07 15:54:23; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +51 -18 change: vShowREparseTag(): Use bGetReparsePrintName() to get reparse tag info for symbolic link or junction dir ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2009/05/06 14:05:48; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: Display correct volume letter if more then one volume is referenced by mount point in one directory, e.g. C:\mnt\f and c:\mnt\e ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2009/03/17 09:57:59; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -4 change: Browse BareSystemRecovery with "/BSR" f_ - - - - 0 - , ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2009/03/16 17:23:08; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +57 -4 change: vShowTree(): Check for extension BSR ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/wnt/cm_hal_pipe.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.44 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.45 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.45 date: 2009/01/28 16:04:03; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +121 -8 BUGFIX: On W2008 subprocess must be created with extended STARTUPINFOEX to allow reading of stdout, stderr and writing to stdin ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/wnt/cm_reparse_point.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.5 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.10 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2009/05/08 09:19:32; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: GetReparsePointInfo(): In case of Symlink use REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER.SymbolicLinkReparseBuffer instead of PREPARSE_DATA_BUFFER.MountPointReparseBuffer plus offset +2 ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2009/05/08 09:09:19; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: GetReparsePrintName(): If PrintName not given then return Substitute ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2009/05/07 15:41:46; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 bugfix: GetReparsePointInfo: Use length of Printname and Substitute otherwise string overflow may occur ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2009/04/07 11:28:36; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +20 -3 CHANGE: GetReparsePointInfo: check for IO_REPARSE_TAG_DFS, IO_REPARSE_TAG_DFSR, IO_REPARSE_TAG_HSM, IO_REPARSE_TAG_HSM2 and IO_REPARSE_TAG_SIS, too ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2009/04/07 07:00:24; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +14 -2 change: Some extra trace(...) to visualize IO_REPARSE_TAG_SYMLINK/MOUNT_POINT, PrintName and/or Substitute ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/common/wnt/makefile.win32,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.22 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.23 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2009/03/17 10:05:54; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: set IFLAGS = /D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0600 $(IFLAGS) /I $(SQLITE_DIR)\sqlite-src ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/ImageIcons.java,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.51 V_3_4_1_68-windows: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/03/16 16:05:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: integrate bsr feature in client browser. ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/04/06 11:11:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 CHANGE: Cumultative update of buxfixes done on head(Check-in [23086], [23084]). ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/03/13 12:50:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: finished MediaDialog calling MediaActionsDialog ---------------------------- revision date: 2008/12/15 13:14:08; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 CHANGE: complete branch java6 ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/TaskGroups.java,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.40 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.41 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.41 date: 2009/02/11 10:59:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 BUGFIX: Ref. #7505 It was possible to delete a used task in the task group view context menu. ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/02/11 13:49:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 BUGFIX: Ref. #7505 It was possible to delete a used task in the task group view context menu. ---------------------------- revision date: 2008/12/15 13:14:05; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: complete branch java6 ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browser/CliBroDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.57 V_3_4_1_68-windows: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/03/17 11:32:46; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +16 -8 change: Interpret BSR entry in client browser as a file. ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/03/17 08:31:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +9 -9 change: Interpret BSR entry in client browser as a directory. ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/03/16 16:05:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +19 -1 new: integrate bsr feature in client browser. ---------------------------- revision date: 2008/12/15 14:29:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 CHANGE: complete branch java6 ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browser/CliBroFileNodeView.java,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.6 V_3_4_1_68-windows: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/03/17 08:31:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: Interpret BSR entry in client browser as a directory. ---------------------------- revision date: 2008/12/15 14:29:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 CHANGE: complete branch java6 ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browser/CliBroIcons.java,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.7 V_3_4_1_68-windows: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/03/16 16:05:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 new: integrate bsr feature in client browser. ---------------------------- revision date: 2008/12/15 14:29:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 CHANGE: complete branch java6 ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browser/CliBroInfo.java,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.5 V_3_4_1_68-windows: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/03/16 16:05:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 new: integrate bsr feature in client browser. ---------------------------- revision date: 2008/12/15 14:29:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 CHANGE: complete branch java6 ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/browser/CliBroStrings.java,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.10 V_3_4_1_68-windows: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/03/17 08:31:20; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -3 change: Interpret BSR entry in client browser as a directory. ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/03/16 16:05:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: integrate bsr feature in client browser. ---------------------------- revision date: 2008/12/15 14:29:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 CHANGE: complete branch java6 ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources/CliBroStrings.properties,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.9 V_3_4_1_68-windows: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/03/16 16:05:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: integrate bsr feature in client browser. ---------------------------- revision date: 2008/12/15 14:29:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 CHANGE: complete branch java6 ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources/CliBroStrings_de.properties,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.8 V_3_4_1_68-windows: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/03/16 16:05:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 new: integrate bsr feature in client browser. ---------------------------- revision date: 2008/12/15 14:29:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 CHANGE: complete branch java6 ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources/LocalStrings.properties,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.250 V_3_4_1_68-windows: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/03/12 10:13:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: bsr handling in task dialog. ---------------------------- revision date: 2008/12/15 14:29:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 CHANGE: complete branch java6 ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/resources/LocalStrings_de.properties,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.253 V_3_4_1_68-windows: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/03/12 10:13:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: bsr handling in task dialog. ---------------------------- revision date: 2008/12/15 14:29:53; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 CHANGE: complete branch java6 ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/task/TDTaskPanel.java,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.6 V_3_4_1_68-windows: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/04/03 12:49:42; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGIX: TaskDialog: The panel with the linux options was never visible. ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/03/16 16:35:11; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +12 -3 change: Hide radiobutton system volume backup, add textfield with same text instead. ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/03/16 16:05:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +10 -10 new: integrate bsr feature in client browser. ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/03/12 10:13:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +144 -137 change: bsr handling in task dialog. ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/04/06 11:11:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: Cumultative update of buxfixes done on head(Check-in [23086], [23084]). ---------------------------- revision date: 2008/12/15 14:29:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1 CHANGE: complete branch java6 ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/task/TaskDialog.java,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.14 V_3_4_1_68-windows: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/04/29 11:08:06; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +13 -6 BUGFIX: Bug# 8033 Wrong generation of BSR source: disable selection of source text fields and client browser ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/04/03 12:49:29; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +20 -5 BUGIX: TaskDialog: The panel with the linux options was never visible. ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/03/18 11:46:34; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 CHANGE: TaskDialog: Special handling of source text field in case of bsr task. ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/03/12 10:13:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +76 -57 change: bsr handling in task dialog. ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/04/06 11:11:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +16 -134 CHANGE: Cumultative update of buxfixes done on head(Check-in [23086], [23084]). ---------------------------- revision date: 2008/12/15 14:29:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: complete branch java6 ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/client/task/TaskTypeCBCellRenderer.java,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.4 V_3_4_1_68-windows: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/03/16 16:05:43; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +5 -0 new: integrate bsr feature in client browser. ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/04/06 11:11:50; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 CHANGE: Cumultative update of buxfixes done on head(Check-in [23086], [23084]). ---------------------------- revision date: 2008/12/15 14:29:54; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +0 -0 CHANGE: complete branch java6 ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/common/Brand.java,v v_3_4_1_51: V_3_4_1_68-windows: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/04/29 11:11:43; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new release ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/04/03 16:52:47; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 New 3.4 GUI release ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/02/24 11:06:50; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 new release version ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/02/20 10:30:48; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 New release version ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/02/17 12:10:00; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 New 3.4 GUI release ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/ServersDBConnection.java,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.36 V_3_4_1_68-windows: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/02/20 09:08:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +16 -2 CHANGE: transfer logical changes done on head to v3_4_branch: Check-in [22340]: BUGFIX: The task update transaction throwed a stale connection; Check-in [22339]: change: transaction handling of TasksTandler using a single connection ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db/ServerSideRow.java,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.18 V_3_4_1_68-windows: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/02/24 09:02:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +8 -5 BUGFIX: The Task update transaction was buggy. ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/02/20 09:08:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +59 -1 CHANGE: transfer logical changes done on head to v3_4_branch: Check-in [22340]: BUGFIX: The task update transaction throwed a stale connection; Check-in [22339]: change: transaction handling of TasksTandler using a single connection ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db/TasksHandler.java,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.30 V_3_4_1_68-windows: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/02/24 09:02:58; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: The Task update transaction was buggy. ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/02/23 16:51:16; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +44 -7 CHANGE: transfer logical changes done on head to v3_4_branch: Check-in [22340]: BUGFIX: The task update transaction throwed a stale connection; Check-in [22339]: change: transaction handling of TasksTandler using a single connection ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/02/17 10:34:38; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 BUGFIX: The existing task events and the gui element in the tree were not updated when the task name in the task dialog was changed.. ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/sesam/gui/server/db/TasksRow.java,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.6 V_3_4_1_68-windows: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/02/20 09:08:39; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +22 -1 CHANGE: transfer logical changes done on head to v3_4_branch: Check-in [22340]: BUGFIX: The task update transaction throwed a stale connection; Check-in [22339]: change: transaction handling of TasksTandler using a single connection ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/01/09 12:12:53; author: cg; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 add: add some more sql messages for client side new method: logquery for central client logging ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/01/08 15:34:13; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +6 -5 CHANGE: add to branch sql_log ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/gui/rmi_gui/de/sep/swing/JXOptionPane.java,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.1 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2009/01/16 12:24:40; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 BUGFIX: Ref # 7321 Legend button in loader content does not work ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2009/01/09 08:38:24; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 change: Corrected font setting of timed message boxes ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/01/26 12:03:52; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +7 -1 BUGFIX: Eliminated use of JTabe; use JXTable instead. ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/01/14 16:06:26; author: wf; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 NEW: Integrate new option "Media Readable Check" to the mediapool dialog, new mediapool dialog and media dialog ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/makefile.unix,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.75 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.76 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.76 date: 2009/02/16 12:37:57; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 add wrapper program 'sm_cmd' to call Sesam Java command line interface ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/sesam.h,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.299 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.305.2.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.305 date: 2009/02/09 11:52:24; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 branches: 1.305.2; BUGFIX: Enhance maximal path length in 'sm_lis_db' (which is called to display restore tree in GUI) to 34000, so lng path name are handled correctly ---------------------------- revision 1.304 date: 2009/01/13 14:32:26; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +34 -1 change: add some 'ST_LIB_' defines to transfer loader errors to calling programs in a language independend way ---------------------------- revision 1.303 date: 2009/01/05 12:54:09; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Set ABAS in BACKUP_LICENSES gszBackupLicenses[] to 'free' to avoid license reduce ---------------------------- revision 1.302 date: 2008/12/22 16:51:40; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Move function 'int_GET_NEW_EXE_CNT' into 'sm_lib.c' ---------------------------- revision 1.301 date: 2008/12/19 09:24:30; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 bugfix: Missing DllExport for lib functions void CREATE_QUE_NAME(), void CREATE_QUE_NAME_LOCAL(), int int_INSERT_INTO_RESULTS() and int int_GET_NEW_EXE_CNT() lead to linking error on Windows ---------------------------- revision 1.300 date: 2008/12/15 21:48:54; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -1 BUGFIX: Avoid using same LIS/SGM file name for differnt backups. Could happen, because of a race condition between select MAX(results.cnt) and INSERT into results. Now 'sm_sepul_event' and 'sm_sbc_com' using same function protected by a samphore. ---------------------------- revision 1.305.2.1 date: 2009/04/09 14:57:10; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +9 -3 change: new Ingres, VCB_FILE and VCB_IMAGE (fetched from rev. 1.314) ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/sm_backup.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.102 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.105 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.105 date: 2009/01/14 11:06:54; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +13 -25 BUGFIX: On Windows 2008 x64 still problems with popen(sm_sms_backup) for large backups > 'sm_sms_backup undefined broken'. Now we use iPIPE_OPEN() to use specific functions on Windows ---------------------------- revision 1.104 date: 2009/01/12 17:04:47; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 CHANGE: set amount of saved data of interrupted backup to real value from LIS files instead of dummy value '3'. Interupted backups have state '3' now. Backups cancelled before transfering data have state 'c' ---------------------------- revision 1.103 date: 2009/01/12 13:47:39; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +20 -6 BUGFIX: On W2008 x64 fgets() returns NULL even if eof not reached now check for eof ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/sm_break.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.70 V_3_4_1_68-windows: description: ---------------------------- revision 1.71 date: 2009/01/12 17:05:44; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 branches: 1.71.2; Interupted backups have state '3' now. Backups cancelled before transfering data have state 'c' ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/05/05 12:59:35; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -6 BUGFIX: Call #8007: sm_break doesn't reload SMS servers on RDS ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/sm_config_drives.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.148 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.150 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.150 date: 2009/04/17 12:30:18; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +6 -3 BUGFIX: In CREATE_VIRTUAL_ROBOT: Call 'start_system(szBuf)' instead of 'start_system( "sm_config_loaders 0")' because start_system changes argument pointer ---------------------------- revision 1.149 date: 2009/02/13 14:11:54; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: Don't set number of parallel streams to 5, if standard license is used, but requested streams are <5 ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/sm_copy.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.28 V_3_4_1_68-windows: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/05/05 12:46:30; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 BUGFIX: Call iDB_SEL_GET with 'd' switch, because else sometimes sm_copy cores ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/04/07 13:38:16; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 change: rename function 'i_INSERT_INTO_RESTORE_RESULTS' into 'i_INSERT_INTO_MIGRATION_RESULTS' ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/03/17 08:52:31; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +10 -3 change: syntax of SQL limit clause depends on DB type ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/03/16 21:00:11; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +16 -2 NEW: For saveset copy: If absolute_flag (-A 1) option is set, then calculate relative date by sesam day not by calender day. Usefull for migration from a week end backup, if Sesam newday has been skipped for a longer backup period ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/03/16 19:27:31; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Change restore to copy message ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/03/13 09:07:55; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +19 -25 adopt usage ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/03/12 23:14:23; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +46 -47 add '-O' option to switch copy of already migrated savesets ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/03/12 17:31:23; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +18 -11 correct handling of errors during submit of extern job ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/03/12 15:12:08; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +115 -47 change: allow generation migration again. Try to find a free drive to start copy, if source and target drive are equal. Put protocol into LIS directory ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/03/11 17:23:12; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +21 -7 new: Selection by task group ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/03/11 15:23:00; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +11 -11 Set default for timerange to current day ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/03/11 09:21:24; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +18 -16 change: Write migration protocol to LIS directory. Set Sesam day correctly in migration_results ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/03/11 08:25:23; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +31 -10 new: selection by tape label and client name for saveset migration ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/03/10 16:01:07; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +22 -11 change: Use table 'migration_results' for migration instead of 'restore_results' ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/03/06 10:52:27; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +52 -19 change: use 'migration_results' instead of 'results' ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/03/05 14:31:57; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +19 -16 remove more restore specific parts ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/03/05 10:13:16; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +31 -55 remove 'gszLabel' ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/03/05 07:57:24; author: rs; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 sm_sbc_com_lib.h ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/03/04 23:30:34; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +10 -4 add 'szState' to select saveset for migration according to backup state ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/03/04 21:58:21; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +32 -22 NEW: Check number of saveset copies during migration: -n 0: Copy saveset in all cases -n N: (N>0) Copy saveset only, if number of copies < N Write SQL statement for selcting saveset into protocol ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/03/04 18:16:53; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +12 -159 change: remove unused code ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/03/04 17:45:46; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +61 -89 change: Big code clean up ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/03/04 14:26:43; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +98 -269 change: Read more information from 'migration_tasks' Values from DB can be overwritten by command line ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/sm_ctrlc_lib.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.33 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.34 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2009/02/02 16:20:55; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +6 -10 BUGFIX: Use correct type SOCKET for int sm_ctrl(...) to work proper on W2008 x64 ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/sm_daily_schedule.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.38 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.39 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2009/01/02 15:24:03; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -9 change: obsolete stuff (gv_sepuler...) removed ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/sm_db.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.45 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.46 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.46 date: 2008/12/23 12:05:19; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +11 -3 BUGFIX: Set exit code from 'sm_db export' to >0 if an error occeurs. Important during Sesam update to stop it, if export has failed ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/sm_init_loader_cont.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.16 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.17 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2009/04/17 12:27:51; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 BUGFIX: In 'init_loader_contents': SQL command string can become to longer than 'BUFLEN' causing a core dump in 'sm_robot' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/sm_inventory.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.34 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.35 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.35 date: 2009/03/02 16:53:09; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +20 -9 change: Preset all non mandantory arguments for 'sm_inventory' to '' and skip all empty arguments during call of 'sm_robot' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/sm_lib.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.604 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.610.2.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.610 date: 2009/02/13 09:58:05; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +24 -27 branches: 1.610.2; BUGFIX: In GET_LABEL_VIA_SMS() the output of sm_sms_interface was never shown so real reason for error was not visible. No MSG=... line is fetched and if an error occurs then message is printed into daily protocol ---------------------------- revision 1.609 date: 2009/01/20 11:41:33; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -5 change: TR for LIC_GET_KEY() with correct function name ---------------------------- revision 1.608 date: 2009/01/12 17:04:47; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 CHANGE: set amount of saved data of interrupted backup to real value from LIS files instead of dummy value '3'. Interupted backups have state '3' now. Backups cancelled before transfering data have state 'c' ---------------------------- revision 1.607 date: 2009/01/02 15:51:03; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +21 -99 change: timing_sesam(): obsolete stuff around gv_change_day_time removed ---------------------------- revision 1.606 date: 2008/12/19 09:24:30; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 bugfix: Missing DllExport for lib functions void CREATE_QUE_NAME(), void CREATE_QUE_NAME_LOCAL(), int int_INSERT_INTO_RESULTS() and int int_GET_NEW_EXE_CNT() lead to linking error on Windows ---------------------------- revision 1.605 date: 2008/12/15 21:48:17; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +339 -2 BUGFIX: Avoid using same LIS/SGM file name for differnt backups. Could happen, because of a race condition between select MAX(results.cnt) and INSERT into results. Now 'sm_sepul_event' and 'sm_sbc_com' using same function protected by a samphore. ---------------------------- revision 1.610.2.1 date: 2009/03/06 13:44:18; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +11 -8 BUGFIX: GET_LABEL_VIA_SMS: Change in 1.610 could lead to Label='Read' if problem in communication to SMS (fetched from rev. 1.620) ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/sm_lis_db.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.93 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.94 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.94 date: 2009/02/09 11:52:24; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 BUGFIX: Enhance maximal path length in 'sm_lis_db' (which is called to display restore tree in GUI) to 34000, so lng path name are handled correctly ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/sm_loader.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.160 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.163 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.163 date: 2009/01/13 14:37:50; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +76 -44 CHANGE: return generic error messages to caller instead of messages from 'cm_lang.h', which depend on language setting ---------------------------- revision 1.162 date: 2009/01/12 15:27:30; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 BUGFIX: If SLU_UNLOAD() failed then set explicite gszSts to "-" to force error exit. change: Squeeze '/' in pool dir ---------------------------- revision 1.161 date: 2008/12/15 23:03:36; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: add empty interface name for call of 'iSUBMIT_EXT', because function has a new parameter ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/sm_newday.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.63 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.64 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.64 date: 2009/01/02 15:09:10; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -17 change: Since OpenAccess is not any longer used source code for sm_dbf_pack OpenAccess removed ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/sm_pur_status.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.52 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.53 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.53 date: 2009/02/17 10:52:49; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +8 -5 BUGFIX: Avoid deletion of Sesam protocolla files in case of an invalid date in 'results.datum'. Now check for correct date format before calling function 'CLEANUP_DAY'. ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/sm_restore.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.318 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.318.2.2 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.318.2.2 date: 2009/04/09 14:33:51; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +12 -3 BUGFIX: Set backup type to 'Path' for backup type 'VCB File' (fetched from rev. 1.327) ---------------------------- revision 1.318.2.1 date: 2009/02/20 16:45:59; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +10 -14 BUGFIX: If target was set to '.../ORIGINAL' then '/ORIGINAL' was not removed for some task types, e.g. MS SQL Server. (fetched from rev. 1.320) ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/sm_robot.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.131 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.132 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.132 date: 2009/01/27 16:24:12; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 BUGFIX: If loader supports slu -l then barcode flag is set but if no barcode was retrieved then sm_arch will fail due to missing value for option -b. Now barcode is enclosed in " . ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/sm_sbc_com_lib.c,v v_3_4_1_51: V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.43 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.43 date: 2009/03/11 15:00:45; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +19 -13 CHANGE: Do not set szInitiator to uppercase to avoid inserting backup_type='BSR_WINDOWS' instead of 'BSR_Windows' into results ---------------------------- revision 1.42 date: 2009/03/04 17:02:30; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +19 -44 bugfix: Use function 'int_INSERT_INTO_RESULTS' also for saveset migration, because else 'results.datum' is not set ---------------------------- revision 1.41 date: 2009/02/25 12:14:45; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -3 BUGFIX: (#7609) Avoid using unsuccessfull migrated saveset in case of restore, if original does not exist any more ---------------------------- revision 1.40 date: 2009/02/16 13:15:40; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +19 -5 BUGFIX: In case of BSR_xxx a BSR_xxx_Plus license must be accepted as well ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2009/01/13 16:41:00; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +11 -6 BUGFIX: CBMR given source must not be overwriten by task source ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2009/01/13 15:01:34; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +52 -53 BUGFIX: Last changes in CHECK_TASK_AND_CLIENT() were buggy for BSR_Windows so BSR backup failed since Sesam ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2008/12/16 21:13:15; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: set 'results.lbl_cnt' to 1 during insert into results, so GUI will display it in restore wizzard ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2008/12/15 21:48:54; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +29 -10 BUGFIX: Avoid using same LIS/SGM file name for differnt backups. Could happen, because of a race condition between select MAX(results.cnt) and INSERT into results. Now 'sm_sepul_event' and 'sm_sbc_com' using same function protected by a samphore. ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/02/25 11:55:42; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: (#7609) Avoid using unsuccessfull migrated saveset in case of restore, if original does not exist any more ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2009/01/13 16:41:00; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +11 -6 BUGFIX: CBMR given source must not be overwriten by task source ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2009/01/13 15:01:34; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +52 -53 BUGFIX: Last changes in CHECK_TASK_AND_CLIENT() were buggy for BSR_Windows so BSR backup failed since Sesam ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/sm_sbc_com_lib.h,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.13 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.14 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2008/12/15 21:55:13; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: Correct handling of shared drives for external backups. (#7134) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/sm_sepul_event.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.201 V_3_4_1_68-windows: description: ---------------------------- revision 1.205 date: 2009/02/04 13:49:39; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +7 -7 branches: 1.205.2; BUGFIX: Correct check of prio for media_events. Order of 'cal_sheets.object' changed to 'pool drivegrp grpflag drivenum' ---------------------------- revision 1.204 date: 2008/12/22 16:51:40; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: Move function 'int_GET_NEW_EXE_CNT' into 'sm_lib.c' ---------------------------- revision 1.203 date: 2008/12/19 09:24:30; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 bugfix: Missing DllExport for lib functions void CREATE_QUE_NAME(), void CREATE_QUE_NAME_LOCAL(), int int_INSERT_INTO_RESULTS() and int int_GET_NEW_EXE_CNT() lead to linking error on Windows ---------------------------- revision 1.202 date: 2008/12/15 21:48:17; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +20 -321 BUGFIX: Avoid using same LIS/SGM file name for differnt backups. Could happen, because of a race condition between select MAX(results.cnt) and INSERT into results. Now 'sm_sepul_event' and 'sm_sbc_com' using same function protected by a samphore. ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/03/09 15:48:03; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: Init 'saveset' with empty string, so 'CREATE_UNIQUE_ID' is called ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/sm_sho.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.93 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.95 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.95 date: 2009/03/13 14:42:56; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +8 -3 bugfix: Copy of sbc_pre/post from 'skel/templates' works again. TODO: Rewrite this part completely ---------------------------- revision 1.94 date: 2009/03/05 09:03:31; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +68 -53 NEW: Function FILE now with pre_restore and post_restore to allow editing of restore PrePost via GUI ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/sm_sms_backup.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.288 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.289 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.289 date: 2009/01/13 09:41:41; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 BUGFIX: Extra 'fflush( stdout );' before exit to explicite flush stdout for MS WS2008 x64 ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/sm_start_all.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.48 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.49 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.49 date: 2009/01/02 15:19:54; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -88 change: obsolete stuff (gv_sepuler...) removed ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/unix_hal/sm_ctrld.sh,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.6 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2009/04/17 07:54:28; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: Correct shutdown of Sesam client (sm_ctrld.sh). sm_ctrld_main process was not killed, because of changed 'ps' options ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/unix_hal/sm_hal_unix.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.111 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.112 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.112 date: 2009/02/04 11:50:39; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Comment to iCtrldAccess() changed: // Output: returns exit state of program: 0 if ok ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/krl/wnt_hal/sm_hal_wnt.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.221 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.224 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.224 date: 2009/02/04 11:50:02; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -200 bugfix: iCtrldAccess() must return exit state of program ---------------------------- revision 1.223 date: 2009/02/04 08:26:52; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +28 -30 change: iCtrldAccess() try to get MSG=... from output ---------------------------- revision 1.222 date: 2009/02/02 11:35:46; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +15 -7 BUGFIX: CtrldAccess() if called CTRLC_LIB_CALL and exit status is 1 WARNING then function returned: "REMOTE_CMD {host}: Error during {command}" Now "REMOTE_CMD STATUS=WARNING MSG={message from command output}" ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/qm/qm_common.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.6 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2009/05/04 14:30:58; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +1 -73 BUGFIX: On some windows getting created PID via GetNewPid() failed. Now we fetch it directly via return value of _spawnv( _P_NOWAIT, ...) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/qm/qm_common.h,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.6 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.7 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2009/05/04 14:30:58; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -3 BUGFIX: On some windows getting created PID via GetNewPid() failed. Now we fetch it directly via return value of _spawnv( _P_NOWAIT, ...) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/qm/sm_hal_qm.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.25 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.26 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2009/05/04 14:30:58; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +9 -11 BUGFIX: On some windows getting created PID via GetNewPid() failed. Now we fetch it directly via return value of _spawnv( _P_NOWAIT, ...) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/sbc_com/sbc_com_interface_l/makefile.win32,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.17 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.18 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2009/01/22 09:38:33; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: In rule OUTPUT_DIRECTORY: check for BINDIR and create it if not existing ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/sbc_com/sbc_com_interface_l/sbc_com_interface_util.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.8 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2009/03/11 12:25:13; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: If IsEmptyString(spSTRUCT_SBC_COM_INTERFACE->szSESAMServer)) then call InvalidUsage(cCurrentOpt, 1072); ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/sbc_esx/sbc_esx.py,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.10 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.11 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2009/01/14 13:48:06; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 BUGFIX: Remove exclude list from parameter list beforecalling sbc, because sbc will exclude files matching the pattern of vcbName ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/sbc_esx/sbc_vcb.py,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.9 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.13 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2009/05/08 13:29:41; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +10 -5 NEW: VCB taransport mode (san,nbd) can be selected by '-a transport= switch ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2009/04/07 12:21:52; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +6 -2 CHANGE: Call sbc with '-o follow' to save directories referenced by reparse points ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2009/03/02 08:33:42; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +1 -2 change: 'import popen2' removed to avoid message: 'DeprecationWarning: The popen2 module is deprecated. ...some not readable chars...' ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2009/01/23 12:51:50; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 CHANGE: Don't ruturn with error, f sbc returns with warnings during backup of VCB mounted filesystem. ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata/build.ver,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.345 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.390 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.390 date: 2009/04/09 12:43:18; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.389 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata makefile.c ---------------------------- revision 1.389 date: 2009/04/09 12:41:44; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.388 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata getattr.c ---------------------------- revision 1.388 date: 2009/04/09 11:29:42; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.387 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata makedirb.c mtf_func.h packdata.c ---------------------------- revision 1.387 date: 2009/04/09 11:26:22; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.386 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata mtf_def.h ---------------------------- revision 1.386 date: 2009/04/07 09:53:59; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.385 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata makedirb.c mtf_func.h packdata.c ---------------------------- revision 1.385 date: 2009/04/02 11:52:59; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.384 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata readdblk.c ---------------------------- revision 1.384 date: 2009/04/02 11:52:18; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.383 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata packdata.c ---------------------------- revision 1.383 date: 2009/04/02 11:51:30; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.382 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata mtf_stru.h ---------------------------- revision 1.382 date: 2009/04/02 11:50:28; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.381 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata mtf_def.h ---------------------------- revision 1.381 date: 2009/04/02 11:49:21; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.380 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata mtf.h ---------------------------- revision 1.380 date: 2009/04/02 11:48:20; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.379 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata makefile.c ---------------------------- revision 1.379 date: 2009/04/02 11:41:20; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.378 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata getattr.c ---------------------------- revision 1.378 date: 2009/03/09 17:36:57; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.377 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata readstrm.c ---------------------------- revision 1.377 date: 2009/03/09 12:55:46; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.376 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata packdata.c ---------------------------- revision 1.376 date: 2009/03/06 11:02:57; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.375 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata readstrm.c ---------------------------- revision 1.375 date: 2009/02/19 18:08:14; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.374 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata packdata.c ---------------------------- revision 1.374 date: 2009/02/19 10:51:58; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.373 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata packdata.c ---------------------------- revision 1.373 date: 2009/02/18 17:20:48; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.372 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata ex2k_fn.c ---------------------------- revision 1.372 date: 2009/02/18 17:19:55; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.371 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata readdblk.c ---------------------------- revision 1.371 date: 2009/02/18 15:24:46; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.370 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata packdata.c ---------------------------- revision 1.370 date: 2009/02/18 15:18:01; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.369 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata ex2k_fn.c ---------------------------- revision 1.369 date: 2009/02/18 14:50:10; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.368 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata getattr.c ---------------------------- revision 1.368 date: 2009/02/12 08:03:03; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.367 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata makedirb.c ---------------------------- revision 1.367 date: 2009/02/10 16:06:43; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.366 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata makestrm.c ---------------------------- revision 1.366 date: 2009/02/09 12:24:35; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.365 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata mtfutil.c ---------------------------- revision 1.365 date: 2009/02/09 12:24:28; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.364 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata getattr.c ---------------------------- revision 1.364 date: 2009/02/09 11:40:48; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.363 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata packdata.h ---------------------------- revision 1.363 date: 2009/02/09 11:39:56; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.362 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata mtf_stru.h ---------------------------- revision 1.362 date: 2009/02/09 11:39:18; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.361 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata util.c ---------------------------- revision 1.361 date: 2009/02/09 11:38:35; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.360 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata packdata.c ---------------------------- revision 1.360 date: 2009/02/09 11:38:01; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.359 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata makestrm.c ---------------------------- revision 1.359 date: 2009/02/09 11:37:41; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.358 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata makefile.c ---------------------------- revision 1.358 date: 2009/02/09 11:37:17; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.357 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata makedirb.c ---------------------------- revision 1.357 date: 2009/02/09 10:36:40; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.356 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata makestrm.c ---------------------------- revision 1.356 date: 2009/02/09 10:33:32; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.355 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata mtf_stru.h ---------------------------- revision 1.355 date: 2009/02/09 10:30:54; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.354 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata packdata.c ---------------------------- revision 1.354 date: 2009/02/09 10:23:59; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.353 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata makedirb.c ---------------------------- revision 1.353 date: 2009/02/09 10:22:52; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.352 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata makefile.c ---------------------------- revision 1.352 date: 2009/02/09 10:22:10; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.351 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata makestrm.c ---------------------------- revision 1.351 date: 2009/02/09 10:20:44; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.350 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata mtf_stru.h ---------------------------- revision 1.350 date: 2009/02/09 10:19:58; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.349 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata packdata.c ---------------------------- revision 1.349 date: 2009/02/09 10:16:34; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.348 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata packdata.h ---------------------------- revision 1.348 date: 2009/02/09 10:15:18; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.347 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata util.c ---------------------------- revision 1.347 date: 2008/12/19 17:15:20; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.346 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata util.c ---------------------------- revision 1.346 date: 2008/12/19 17:08:02; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: New revision 1.345 generated during checkin of -d united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata packdata.c ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata/ex2k_fn.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.6 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.8 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2009/02/18 17:20:48; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: wcstombs( szFullPath, sztFullPath, sizeof(szFullPath) ); // with correct size ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2009/02/18 15:18:01; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +8 -5 BUGFIX: Changes due to merge with unicode_branch lead to use widechar file name instead of char file name which could not be handled by ex2k.dll ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata/getattr.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.8 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.14 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2009/05/04 10:41:14; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +1 -4 change: Check for device now done in Make_MTF_DIRB_BLK() ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2009/04/15 10:03:35; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +3 -15 change: hardlink error checking simplified ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2009/04/09 12:41:44; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 branches: 1.12.2; change: DO not check for hardlinks if item is a directory ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2009/04/02 11:41:19; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +24 -53 new: added functionality that checks if file is a hardlink. Sets custom file attribute. This attribute means that FILE DBLK represents a hardlink. Usage and meaning of this attribute described in "hardlinks backup/restore concept" document. ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2009/02/18 14:50:10; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -5 BUGFIX: Exchange backup always ended with Warnings bcs. GetStandardAttr4MTF() for not yet created HDR file was always signalling PDS_W_STD_ATTRIB. No caller Make_MTF_FILE_BLK() can decide again if warning will be shown ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2009/02/09 12:24:28; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +7 -26 change: Avoid calling vss conversion function such as IsItemHasVssPath ... ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/04/29 16:24:44; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +1 -4 bugfix: Check if path is a volume bcs. last change did not care about volumes ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata/makedirb.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.5 V_3_4_1_68-windows: description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2009/04/09 11:29:42; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +13 -9 branches: 1.9.2; CHANGE: To support option -o follow to process Reparse Points like directory in Make_MTF_DIRB_BLK() the return value of SignalCallingtModule(PDS_I_PROCESS_DIR, sztDirName) is checked and if it is I_ACT_IGNORE_REPARSE_POINT then Reparse Points are treated like directories ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2009/04/07 09:53:58; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +11 -3 CHANGE: If called with 'FILE_NAME=IGNORE_REPARSE_POINT' then ignore Reparse Point processing in Make_MTF_DIRB_BLK(...) ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2009/02/12 08:03:03; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: With last change file attributes and ACL were fetched from file instead of directory. Now refetchde older revision 1.5 ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2009/02/09 11:37:17; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: Use sMTFGlobal.sztItemPath as item full path ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/05/07 12:00:10; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: Fetch Reparse Point information form item not from original directory path to avoid problems with VSS shadow ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/04/30 07:37:32; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: Do not call Make_NACL_STREAM() in case of Device name, e.g. C:, bcs. may be return warnings in case of VSS backup ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/04/29 16:24:44; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +26 -24 bugfix: Check if path is a volume bcs. last change did not care about volumes ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/04/29 09:53:28; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -6 BUGFIX: #7759 'VSS Backup with Warnings' solved by reading from VSS Device even in case of directories ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata/makefile.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.8 V_3_4_1_68-windows: description: ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2009/04/09 12:43:18; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +40 -52 branches: 1.13.2; change: First call GetStandardAttr4MTF() and if (sMTF_FILE_BLK.attr & MTF_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HARDLINK) then process hardlink attributes (avoid second run of x_IsFileHardlink() ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2009/04/08 11:59:12; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: ifdef for WIN32 sepecific parts ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2009/04/07 17:37:22; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 bugfix: hardlinks processing ifdeffed as WIN32 code ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2009/04/02 11:48:20; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +56 -58 new: if file is recognized as hardlink "OS Specific Data" with file index in it is added. All appropriate shifts made (Next Ivent Offset and File Name offset). ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2009/02/09 11:37:41; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: Use sMTFGlobal.sztItemPath as item full path ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/05/12 09:24:54; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 bugfix: Make_MTF_FILE_BLK: In case of Ex2K ignore error from GetStandardAttr4MTF() bcs. file may not be yet created ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/05/07 12:01:47; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +6 -4 bugfix: Avoid Warning message during system_state processing for Active Directory on Windows 2003 which may occur in GEtStandardAttr4MTF() for some files which are not yet created. ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata/makestrm.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.10 V_3_4_1_68-windows: description: ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2009/02/10 16:06:43; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +16 -5 branches: 1.12.2; BUGFIX: Make_STAN_STREAM() biFileSize fetched from FindFirstFile() may be outdated, so use GetFileSizeEx( hFileHandle ) after CreateFile(...) to get current file size. This will avoid warning messages: sbc-2043: Warning: Item [...] enlarged during processing. Cutting. sbc-2032: Warning: Operation successful with warnings. ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2009/02/09 11:38:01; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +4 -24 change: Use sMTFGlobal.sztItemPath as item full path ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/04/30 07:37:32; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +1 -4 CHANGE: Do not call Make_NACL_STREAM() in case of Device name, e.g. C:, bcs. may be return warnings in case of VSS backup ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata/mtf.h,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.8 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2009/04/02 11:49:21; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +4 -5 new: MTF_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HARDLINK definition added ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata/mtf_def.h,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.9 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.11 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2009/04/09 11:26:21; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -4 new: #define I_ACT_IGNORE_REPARSE_POINT 4 ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2009/04/02 11:50:28; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 new: few hardlink-related error code definitions added ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata/mtf_func.h,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.8 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.10 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2009/04/09 11:29:42; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: To support option -o follow to process Reparse Points like directory in Make_MTF_DIRB_BLK() the return value of SignalCallingtModule(PDS_I_PROCESS_DIR, sztDirName) is checked and if it is I_ACT_IGNORE_REPARSE_POINT then Reparse Points are treated like directories ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2009/04/07 09:53:58; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 CHANGE: If called with 'FILE_NAME=IGNORE_REPARSE_POINT' then ignore Reparse Point processing in Make_MTF_DIRB_BLK(...) ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata/mtf_stru.h,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.13 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.15 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2009/04/02 11:51:30; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +1 -8 change: OS/2-related coded removed ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2009/02/09 11:39:56; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -8 new: Add new member to _MTF_GLOBAL structure - sztItemName ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata/mtfutil.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.8 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2009/02/09 12:24:35; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +8 -40 change: Avoid calling vss conversion function such as IsItemHasVssPath ... ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata/packdata.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.17 V_3_4_1_68-windows: description: ---------------------------- revision 1.26 date: 2009/04/09 11:29:42; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -8 branches: 1.26.2; CHANGE: To support option -o follow to process Reparse Points like directory in Make_MTF_DIRB_BLK() the return value of SignalCallingtModule(PDS_I_PROCESS_DIR, sztDirName) is checked and if it is I_ACT_IGNORE_REPARSE_POINT then Reparse Points are treated like directories ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2009/04/07 09:53:58; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +11 -5 CHANGE: If called with 'FILE_NAME=IGNORE_REPARSE_POINT' then ignore Reparse Point processing in Make_MTF_DIRB_BLK(...) ---------------------------- revision 1.24 date: 2009/04/02 11:52:18; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +2 -13 change: OS/2-related coded removed ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2009/03/09 12:55:46; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +25 -30 BUGFIX: system_state backup failed due to wrong setting of sztItemName ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2009/02/19 18:08:13; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Use [%ls] instead [%s] in trace funtion (the unicode version) . ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2009/02/19 10:51:58; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +1 -14 change: Get out vss_item_type - there isnt sense to you that function ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2009/02/18 15:24:46; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +13 -9 bugfix: Due to unicode changes file name for exchange must be set with prefix '\\?\' ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2009/02/09 11:38:35; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +33 -82 new: Add new member to _MTF_GLOBAL structure and correct processing him at PackArchiveBlock ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2008/12/19 17:08:02; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: trace message in PackArchiveBlock function ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/05/12 12:57:31; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +10 -3 BUGFIX: Avoid warnings in Exchange Server Backup Examples: sbc-2036: Warning: Retrieving of standard attributes for item [C:\Exchange]: (2) [Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. ] failed. sbc-2046: Warning: Cannot get item security data for [sbcex2k:sepsbsserver]. ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/05/12 12:26:23; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +11 -6 bugfix: system_state backup could return warnings when processing SYSVOL bcs. directories were handled twice as directory and as files (with warnings) ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/05/04 15:47:14; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +8 -2 bugfix: Avoid warning while processing w2kss directories ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/04/29 09:53:28; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +19 -3 BUGFIX: #7759 'VSS Backup with Warnings' solved by reading from VSS Device even in case of directories ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata/packdata.h,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.4 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.5 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2009/02/09 11:40:47; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +3 -6 change: Remove - #define STR_VSS_PATH_COUNT and add define STR_ITEM_NAME ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata/readdblk.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.17 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.19 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2009/04/02 11:52:59; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +1 -7 change: OS/2-related coded removed ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2009/02/18 17:19:55; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +9 -7 BUGFIX: Due to changes with unicode Ex2KR_OpenFile() was called with path in unicode but must be called with ASCII ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata/readstrm.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.27 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.29 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2009/03/09 17:36:57; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +17 -4 bugfix: Restore of Reparse Points could fail bcs. during NACL processing file was already created ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2009/03/06 11:02:57; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +20 -2 change: Read_NACL_STREAM() If file creation failed with ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND then create directory path and retry ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata/util.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.17 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.19 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2009/02/09 11:39:18; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +1 -235 change: Remove the vss conversion functions (GetItemLocalByVssPath and etc.) ---------------------------- revision 1.18 date: 2008/12/19 17:15:20; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +50 -43 change: upgrate functions - GetItemVssByLocalPath - check volumes as uppercase; GetItemVssByLocalPath - get back FindFirstFile function. ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata/verify.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.4 V_3_4_1_68-windows: description: ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/04/29 16:24:44; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +17 -14 bugfix: Check if path is a volume bcs. last change did not care about volumes ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/sbc_w32_os2/packdata/callback/sbc_stru.h,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.3 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.6 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2009/04/09 12:25:39; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: struct SBC_Argument extended with LIST_HANDLE listIgnoreReparsePoints; ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2009/02/24 10:53:16; author: opaliy; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 VSS-speciffic declaration ifdeffed out from Linux build. ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2009/01/21 16:30:36; author: intellias; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 new: Add new members to the global structure - "retry" and "delay" for VSS ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/scc/scc/ctrl_ini.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.3 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2009/02/02 15:52:27; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +1 -7 BUGFIX: On Windows Serveer 2008 x64 CTRLD access could break due to wrong size of file HANDLE ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/scc/scc/ctrlc.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.44 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.45 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.45 date: 2009/02/02 15:52:27; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +12 -15 BUGFIX: On Windows Serveer 2008 x64 CTRLD access could break due to wrong size of file HANDLE ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/scc/scc/ctrld.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.47 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.48 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.48 date: 2009/02/02 15:52:27; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +13 -13 BUGFIX: On Windows Serveer 2008 x64 CTRLD access could break due to wrong size of file HANDLE ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/scc/scc/ctrld_hdr.h,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.2 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.3 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2009/02/02 15:52:27; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +6 -8 BUGFIX: On Windows Serveer 2008 x64 CTRLD access could break due to wrong size of file HANDLE ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/scc/scc/ctrld_main.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.18 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.20 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.20 date: 2009/02/02 16:01:02; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -1 change: Changes to compile on UNIX after last BUGFIX for w2008 HANDLE ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2009/02/02 15:52:27; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +17 -21 BUGFIX: On Windows Serveer 2008 x64 CTRLD access could break due to wrong size of file HANDLE ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/scc/scc/sm_ctrl.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.27 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.29 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.29 date: 2009/02/04 09:46:42; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 bugfix: connect_timeout_thread(SOCKET *hpSD1) -- SOCKET instead of int to satisfy x64 ---------------------------- revision 1.28 date: 2009/02/02 15:52:27; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +13 -13 BUGFIX: On Windows Serveer 2008 x64 CTRLD access could break due to wrong size of file HANDLE ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/scc/scc/sm_ctrl.h,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.9 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.11 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2009/02/02 16:01:02; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 change: Changes to compile on UNIX after last BUGFIX for w2008 HANDLE ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2009/02/02 15:52:27; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +7 -6 BUGFIX: On Windows Serveer 2008 x64 CTRLD access could break due to wrong size of file HANDLE ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/scc/scc/trace.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.14 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.16 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2009/02/02 16:01:02; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -3 change: Changes to compile on UNIX after last BUGFIX for w2008 HANDLE ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2009/02/02 15:52:27; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +25 -17 BUGFIX: On Windows Serveer 2008 x64 CTRLD access could break due to wrong size of file HANDLE ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/scc/scc/util.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.15 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.16 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2009/02/02 15:52:27; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -10 BUGFIX: On Windows Serveer 2008 x64 CTRLD access could break due to wrong size of file HANDLE ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/scc/scc/util.h,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.15 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.17 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.17 date: 2009/02/02 16:01:02; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 change: Changes to compile on UNIX after last BUGFIX for w2008 HANDLE ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2009/02/02 15:52:27; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +14 -9 BUGFIX: On Windows Serveer 2008 x64 CTRLD access could break due to wrong size of file HANDLE ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sepuler/sm_sepuler.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.36 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.37 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2009/04/16 12:27:36; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 BUGFIX: Select only terms which have next_exec <> '' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sepuler/sm_sepuler.h,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.12 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.13 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2009/04/16 12:25:55; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Set #define TIME_LNG 27 ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sepuler/sm_sepuler_cal.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.32 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.34 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2009/04/16 12:26:39; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +9 -2 BUGFIX: If terms.next_exec is invalid then delete event from cal_sheets day ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2009/02/04 09:09:48; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 BUGFIX: Set complete path to Sesam 'sqlite3' executable before import int 'cal_sheets', to avoid problems, if another incompatible 'sqlite3' executable is found in system path ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sepuler/sm_sepuler_lib.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.35 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.38 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2009/04/21 08:26:54; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -4 BUGFIX: revert last change and set 'd.tm_isdst' alway to '-1', because all schedules will be executed every hour ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2009/04/16 12:30:24; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +26 -10 BUGFIX: term_s2i()/iREAD_SINGLE_TERM() Check for valid terms.next_start to avoid core dump of sm_sepuler ---------------------------- revision 1.36 date: 2009/02/04 13:50:42; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +4 -4 change: Order of 'cal_sheets.object' changed to 'pool drivegrp grpflag drivenum' for media events ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sms_src/sms_interface/device_type.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.20 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.23 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.23 date: 2009/03/12 12:01:50; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +70 -42 CHANGE: (WINDOWS) check_directory_size(): Avoid unnecessary getting file size for compressed DISK_HARD media: To avoid massive IO due to getting file size check already reached size and set Counter to difference :== iDirectorySize - summa Counter will be reduced each time and file size will be fetched if 0 reached. Bcs. size is counted in MB some blocks are necessary to fill it up and Counter will probably be set to 0 before block is filled. ---------------------------- revision 1.22 date: 2009/02/13 15:24:47; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +35 -20 BUGFIX: WINDOWS: check_directory_size() now uses GetFileSizeEx() to get current size of files. With FindFirstFile() the size was not up to date ---------------------------- revision 1.21 date: 2009/01/12 16:18:56; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +24 -12 BUGFIX: check_directory_size() for DISK_HARD with compression did not work if file size was bigger 4 GB ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sms_src/sms_interface/makefile.dep,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.26 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.27 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.27 date: 2009/01/08 13:10:40; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Add $(COMMON_LIB) to SM_STPD_WIN_DEP to allow use of i_SEMA in stpthread.c ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sms_src/sms_interface/makefile.win32,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.36 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.38 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2009/03/18 07:32:48; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +6 -16 change: Clean rule improved ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2009/02/25 12:40:41; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: Use MAIN_VERSION instead of MAIN_VERSION_RC for RC_PRODUCTVERSION ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sms_src/sms_interface/mtfana_func.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.67 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.70 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.70 date: 2009/03/12 12:04:48; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +49 -48 BUGFIX: In case of multiple MS SQL Server databsae backup some TAPE and ESET blocks may appear so now offset2 must added to previous ESET block ---------------------------- revision 1.69 date: 2009/02/13 12:22:38; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +187 -189 change: Logic in readbuffer() simplified ---------------------------- revision 1.68 date: 2009/01/21 15:03:10; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +25 -11 change: Generate lis file for MS SQLServer databases with instance name and database to distinguish between different SQLServer instances on one system ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sms_src/sms_interface/sms_interface_lib.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.71 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.73 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.73 date: 2009/02/13 12:21:28; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: In case of MTF use offset local to last segment as offset2 for ESET written before 'Total:' line ---------------------------- revision 1.72 date: 2009/01/20 16:01:06; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: allow longer EOM GLBV name, because device path can be longer then 30 char ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sms_src/sms_interface/tc_functions.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.15 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.16 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.16 date: 2009/02/13 10:05:59; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 CHANGE: TC_ReadBlockFromTape() if an error occurs print error code and message ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sms_src/sms_interface/tp_funcread.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.14 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.15 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.15 date: 2009/02/13 10:23:31; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +181 -173 BUGFIX: TP_ReadFromTape() Check for possible Windows system errors and abort retry loop. This should avoid that after a system error further blocks are read from device. In case of ERROR_IO_DEVICE (call #7382) the system could rewind the tape and after read retry blocks which have been already processed are delivered again. Error message was: sbc-1061: Error: Error while unpacking data. GetStreams:At current offset ### (0x###) no valid MTF Stream ID was found ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sms_src/sms_interface/tp_funcwrite.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.31 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.33 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2009/02/13 15:26:10; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -3 BUGFIX: Windows EOM on DISK_HARD: Sometimes the last written saveset was overwritten with tape_trailer and tape_trailer was empty. Avoid this by setting pBCK_MESSAGE->un.TapeTrailer.uiNumberOfBytesWritten =0; ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2009/01/08 11:34:49; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +29 -25 CHANGE: TP_WriteToTape(): If compressed DISK_HARD then check size with 'if (check_directory_size () == 1)' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/sob/build.ver,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.31 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.34 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.34 date: 2009/02/21 13:19:25; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: New revision 1.33 generated during checkin of -m sob -d united/sbc/sob sob_version.h ---------------------------- revision 1.33 date: 2009/02/20 10:21:28; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: New revision 1.32 generated during checkin of -m sob -d united/sbc/sob sob_msgs.h ---------------------------- revision 1.32 date: 2009/02/16 16:17:38; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: New revision 1.31 generated during checkin of -m sob -d united/sbc/sob sob_msgs.h xutil.h ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/sob/sob_msgs.h,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.7 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.9 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2009/02/20 10:21:28; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 BUGFIX: Larger trace buffer to avoid segmentation fault in case of long XBSA error messages ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2009/02/16 16:17:38; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 bugfix: WINDOWS Avoid 'typedef short BOOL;' bcs already defined ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/sob/sob_version.h,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.36 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.40 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.40 date: 2009/02/21 13:19:25; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 change: New revision generated during checkin of -m sob -d united/sbc/sob sob_version.h ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 2009/02/21 13:19:25; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +6 -6 New SOB version ---------------------------- revision 1.38 date: 2009/02/20 10:21:28; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: New revision generated during checkin of -m sob -d united/sbc/sob sob_msgs.h ---------------------------- revision 1.37 date: 2009/02/16 16:17:38; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +5 -5 change: New revision generated during checkin of -m sob -d united/sbc/sob sob_msgs.h xutil.h ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/sob/xutil.h,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.3 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.4 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2009/02/16 16:17:38; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -1 bugfix: WINDOWS Avoid 'typedef short BOOL;' bcs already defined ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sys/sesam_make_lic.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.79 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.81 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.81 date: 2009/01/19 15:44:38; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 bugfix: i_GET_VALUE_AND_WRITE_ITEM() due to last change e_string was not matched with input list ---------------------------- revision 1.80 date: 2009/01/15 12:46:43; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +25 -6 change: Check if TIMEOUT is given in range 0-9999 print possible date if installation is today ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sys/sm_main.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.138 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.139 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.139 date: 2009/01/20 09:07:30; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 bugfix: Sometimes during after reboot on some machines system needs approx. 2 minutes to start sm_qm_main so loop 3 minutes to set up properly (error message: sm_qm sho qu_all failed witn 'A queue with that name does not exist' ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sys/sm_setup.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.373 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.378.2.1 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.378 date: 2009/02/20 14:12:56; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +8 -1 branches: 1.378.2; change: WINDOWS: sm_setup check: Check for PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64 and print out 'Processor Architecture x64' ---------------------------- revision 1.377 date: 2009/02/18 17:37:20; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -41 BUGFIX: Do not copy PRE,POST,ALARM,DISASTER,NOTIFY interface files from downgrade bcs since files in bin/sesam are not removed they already reside there and should not be overwritten with older ones ---------------------------- revision 1.376 date: 2009/01/22 10:27:24; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +4 -1 NEW: For sbc.exe with VSS snapshots (-o vss) we have three new ini values: [SBC_OPTIONS] VSS_MAX_RETRY=3 VSS_DELAY=30 VSS_WAIT_FOR_ASYNC_OP=180 VSS_MAX_RETRY and VSS_DELAY are used if VSS snapshot creation returned a retryable error like VSS_E_MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_SNAPSHOTS_REACHED. VSS_WAIT_FOR_ASYNC_OP is used to wait for snapshot creation. ---------------------------- revision 1.375 date: 2009/01/05 17:14:06; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +225 -461 change: Use vInsertIntoFile() in iCreateIniFiles() for sm.ini ---------------------------- revision 1.374 date: 2009/01/02 16:43:25; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +60 -215 change: iCreateIniFiles() If called with mode 'append' then use vInsertIntoFile to avoid duplicate entries in sm.ini ---------------------------- revision 1.378.2.1 date: 2009/04/22 13:18:55; author: sesam; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 BUGFIX: Don't add 'x64' to oper system, because OS has to match entry in Sesam DB 'oper_systems' Add removed sm.ini entry '[Params]:gv_db_name' again, because GUI server still use it ============================================================================= RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/xbsa/xbsa/com.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.18 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.19 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.19 date: 2009/03/11 12:37:45; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3 change: x_AllTrim() correct with 2 arguments ---------------------------- RCS file: /cvs/united/sbc/xbsa/xbsa/xbsa_func.c,v v_3_4_1_51: 1.24 V_3_4_1_68-windows: 1.25 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.25 date: 2009/03/11 12:37:45; author: miraculix; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 change: x_AllTrim() correct with 2 arguments ---------------------------- Processed files: 4739 Number of changed files: 154